Click here for my blog on Citizen Relationship Management, eGovernment and Innovations in Government (English & German)



Academic Publications

Schellong, Alexander (2008)."Citizen Relationship Management in American cities” in: Meijer, Albert/ Boersma, Kees/ Wagenaar, Pieter (Ed.) "ICTs, Citizens & Governance: After the Hype!", IOS Press (accepted, work in progress).

Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Improving Access to Government Information and Services" in: Rizvi, Gowher/ de Jong, Jorrit (Ed.) "The State of Access", Brookings. (work in progress).

Langenberg, Thomas / Schellong, Alexander (2007). "ASW.COM - Monetizing Connectivity? (A)", Harvard - Kennedy School of Government, Program on Networked Governance Working Paper # PNG07-003, Teaching Case Study.

Schellong, Alexander (2007). “Extending the Technology Enactment Framework”, Harvard-Kennedy School of Government, Program on Networked Governance Working Paper # PNG07-003.

Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Crossing the boundary - Why putting the e in Government is the easy part", Harvard-Kennedy School of Government, Program on Networked Governance Working Paper # PNG07-002.

Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Waiting for the next disruption", Shipping International Monthly Review, 272, January.

Schellong, Alexander/ Sarikas, Omiros (2007). "At your service", Shipping International Monthly Review, 272, January.

Sarikas, Omiros / Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Convergence: The Mergers and Acquisitions New Mantra", Shipping International Monthly Review, 272, January.

Schellong, Alexander/ Langenberg, Thomas (2007). "Managing Citizen Relationships: Hurricane Wilma, 311 and Miami-Dade County", conference paper, Proceedings of HICSS 40

Schellong, Alexander (2006). "Revising Jane Fountains Technology Enactment Framework", Occasional Paper, University of Tokyo 21st Century COE program "Invention of Policy Systems in Advanced Countries".

Schellong, Alexander (2006). "Increasing Social Capital for Disaster through Social Networking Services: A Case Study of Japanese Local Government SNS", Occasional Paper, University of Tokyo 21st Century COE program "Invention of Policy Systems in Advanced Countries".

Schellong, Alexander (2006)."Citizen Relationship Management" in: Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko/ Malkia, Matti "Encyclopedia of Digital Government", Idea Group, Hershey, PA.

Schellong, Alexander/ Langenberg, Thomas (2006). "Effective Citizen Relationship Management: Hurricane Wilma and Miami-Dade County 311", poster, 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 21.-24. May, San Diego, CA.

Schellong, Alexander (2006). "Citizen Relationship Management: Understanding, Challenges and Impact", Birds-of-a-Feather session, 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 21.-24. May, San Diego, CA.

Schellong, Alexander (2005). "Raumbörse - Wege aus dem universitärem Raumproblem", Wissenschaftsmanagement, 11, 1.

Schellong, Alexander/ Langenberg, Thomas (2005). "Bürgerpartizipation und Bürgerorientierung - Chancen für die Kommunalverwaltung" in: Stock, Alexander/ Kegelmann, Jürgen (Hrsg.) "Kommunalpolitik der Zukunft: partnerschaftlich und professionell", ibidem, Stuttgart.

Langenberg, Thomas/ Schellong, Alexander (2005). "Die Rolle der Neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Kommunalpolitik des 21. Jahrhunderts" in: Stock, Alexander/ Kegelmann, Jürgen (Hrsg.) "Kommunalpolitik der Zukunft: partnerschaftlich und professionell", ibidem, Stuttgart.

Schellong, Alexander (2005). "CRM in the Public Sector - Theory and Practice", conference paper, IRFD, 5th World Forum on Information Society, 16.-18. November, Tunisia

Schellong, Alexander (2005). "CRM in the Public Sector - Towards a conceptual research framework", conference paper, 6th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 14.-18. May, Atlanta, GA.

Schellong, Alexander/Mans D. (2004)."Citizens preferences towards One-Stop Government", poster, 5th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 24.-26. May, Seattle, WA.

Schellong, Alexander (2002). "Kollaboratives CRM im eGovernment Empirische Untersuchung der Bürgerpräferenzen gegenüber One-Stop Government Angeboten", Diploma thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe- University, Frankfurt am Main.


Schellong, Alexander (2007). "A Case Study of Citizen Relationship Management: City of Sapporo, Japan", case study.

Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Government reform initiative in the Saga prefecture, Japan", Case report.


Summer course (2007). "Information Technology and Innovation in Government" (KSG Mexico Program); selected sessions and memo/briefing exercise supervision, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. 6/17-6/29/2007.

Master student course/lecture (2007). "eGovernment: Städte im Netz I" (Emp, G LA 1-5), 2 semesters (04/07-02/08), with Dieter Mans, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.

Invited lecture on "Explorations into innovations in Japanese government" for the course: Case Study (Digital Government and Administrative Policy Making/Management) of Hirokazu Okumura/ Hideiaki Shiroyama, University of Tokyo, Japan, 1/22/2007.

Invited lecture on "CiRM, Citistat and Social Networking Services" for the course: Case Study (Digital Government and Administrative Policy Making/Management) of Hirokazu Okumura/ Hideiaki Shiroyama, University of Tokyo, Japan, 9/30/2006.

Invited lecture on "Cross boundary collaboration" for the course: Case Study (Digital Government and Administrative Policy Making/Management) of / Hideiaki Shiroyama, University of Tokyo, Japan, 9/23/2006.

Executive Education Workshop: "Introduction to Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM)" with Philip Mueller, ITESM (Tec de Monterrey) , Mexico, 8/16/2006.

Invited Lecture on "Citizen Relationship Management" for the course: Strategic Management in Public Administration, Philip Mueller and Javier Trevino, ITESM (Tec de Monterrey), Mexico, 8/15/2006.


Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Local Government SNS in Japan", UNESCO, 2nd Universal Forum of Cultures - Monterrery Forum, "Gobernabilidad y Participation" session, Monterrey, MX, 10/30/2007.

Schellong, Alexander (2007). "Citizen Relationship Management: 311 und 115", Stadt Frankfurt am Main, 05/16/2007.

Schellong, Alexander (2006). "Increasing Public Administration's Absorptive Capacity: CiRM/311", 2006 Motorola CSR User Group conference, 3.-5. May, Miami, FL, 5/5/2006.

Schellong, Alexander (2006). "CiRM @ Government", 1st Siemens COM E-Government Community conference, 3.-5. May, Munich, Germany, 5/3/2006.

Schellong, Alexander (2005)."Citizen Relationship Management - Status and empirical research", Kennedy School of Government, NCDG - Brown Bag Seminar, 10/31/2004.

Schellong, Alexander (2004).: "Citizen Relationship Management", Kennedy School of Government, NCDG - Brown Bag Seminar, 09/13/2004.

Schellong, Alexander (2000). “Das Internet-Raumhandelsmodell der Universität Frankfurt", Executive Workshop, IUW (Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland), Trier, 02/13/2000.


Expert, European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, ICT for Inclusion, Evaluation session, CIP-ICT-PSP-2007-1, Brussels 11/19-11/23/2007.

Expert, European Commission, DG Information Society Media/ DG JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, policy recommendation workshop 'ICT, social capital and cultural diversity', Istanbul, 04/25/2007.

ISPRAT, Strategie "Bürgertelefon 115". 04/07-12/2007


Associate Editor - "Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy", Emerald

Reviewer - "Journal of Information Technology & Politics", Haworth

ad Hoc reviewer - "International Journal of E-Government Research (IJEGR)", IGI

Euro mGov 2006

HICSS 41, eGovernment track, 7.-10., January, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 2008 .

9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 19.-22. May, Montreal, Canada. 2008.

8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 20.-23. May, Philadelphia, PA. 2007

7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 21.-24. May, San Diego, CA. 2006

6th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O, 21.-24. May, San Diego, CA. 2005

Encylopedia of Digital Government edited by Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko/ Malkia 2004/05